How to Effectively Promote POD on Twitter

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Twitter has over 360 million monthly users so it's worth investing time in building up your audience while at the same time earning commissions from your affiliate link.
In this guide, I'm going to show you how to promote POD on Twitter through examples so that you can maximise your commissions and grow your following!
Let's get straight into it and look at an of example of a good tweet by @nishioripicks
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This Tweet manages to highlight all three of the alert types that we offer (dropping odds, opening line and limit change) which is important because people sometimes assume we only offer dropping odds alerts because of our name . Nishi also does a a nice job of explaining why having all of the odds data in a table is better than having to fiddle around on OddsPortal.
Here are some other things the tweet does well;
a) Clearly states what the service does (”POD is a tool that allows you to set up alerts that will notify you when…”)
b) Reminds people we have a 21-day money-back guarantee
c) Includes his unique referral link
d) Includes a screenshot of the SideKick feature
Below is a different tweet this time from @Part-Time Picks
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This tweet is focused on the dropping odds strategy and does a good job of showcasing a real example of a market that has dropped sharply allowing him to place a +EV bet at one of the US ‘recreational books’. The dropping odds strategy is the reason that POD exists so whenever possible educate your audience on it and show them real examples of markets dropping that have led to value bets.
Another thing that this tweet does well is it includes a screenshot of the market that has dropped. The graph that is found in the SideKick is a great way to visualise the market dropping and it sticks in people’s minds (people love looking at graphs!).

Post Your Results 📈

At the end of the day betting is all about making money so if you have made some money using POD then show that off! People really want to see proof that they are signing up for a service that is going to help them make money.
If you are sharing frequent progress updates then the reality is, if you’re value betting, that some periods will be up and some will be down but that’s fine use the down periods as a chance to educate on variance and the importance of remaining disciplined. If you can help get users through periods of down variance then they will have more success and stay with us for longer which means… you guessed it more commissions for you!
Here’s an example of a results tweet that we posted on our own Twitter account that did well
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This tweet manages to show off three key data points;
  1. Profit
  1. ROI
  1. Number of bets placed
While the data is included in the screenshot the tweet also highlights the main data points in the text which is a great way to double down.
Always make sure to include screenshots of your results as people like to look at things (especially graphs) more than they like to read things. The screenshot in the tweet is of the dashboard in a bet logging app called Pikkit but there are many bet logging services that you can use.
Here's another one of our results tweet...
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This tweet implies that the results are from using the dropping odds strategy and makes a link between the dropping odds alerts and making money (”more results from one of the users of our dropping odds alerts”). Again though the screenshot is the centre piece of this tweet.
Including your affiliate link In your bio or linktree will help drive traffic to our landing page and it will add authority to your twitter account.

We'll Re-tweet You 🔁

We'll re-tweet any promotional content that you post about POD so that you can get more clicks on your link and gain Twitter followers.
If you have any questions or need any help promoting POD then please feel free to reach out to
Oh yeh and make sure to follow us on Twitter!

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